Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Aloha to the golden locks!

I have had a wonderful week! I hope the same is true for you.
I am currently in french class being COMPLETELY distracted and I thought "What better way to fill my time than blog to my best friend?"... other than work on my french assignments. So here I am.
I am not sure if you read my other blog post of the week but I passed out on tuesday! It was rather eventful.

On account of I don't know what to write about I'm just going to tell you random things about my life:

  • I am trying to get back into the habit of blogging consistently.
  • I am the only one in my house that likes dark chocolate. It is so amazing.
  • I am really excited about learning French, but the internet is WAY too distracting for someone who has ADD. I can't work like this.
  • I asked Andrew what he would change about me and he said my ADD. I get SO distracted and he occasionally gets impatient with me.
  • My face is very soft today! This morning I used this awesome face lotion after my shower. It is called ________
  • When I was two, three and four I switched back and forth from loving salad to hating salad about 5 times. I stuck with loving.
  • I plan to attend Southern Virginia University in August!
  • I feel sorry for Mondays. They are treated so poorly simply because apathetic teenagers have an aversion to education.They need to suck it up and appreciate the opportunity they have to wake up early on Mondays and get an education they don't have to pay thousands of dollars for.
I hope you have a fantastic week.
All possible love,
The Lovely Brunette

Thursday, January 3, 2013

                         Dear loveliest Brunette,
                                    Agreed. Six months? Far too long. That's never happening again, except when we're on missions. :) And those few days are the best few days I've had in quite a while! Even if my calves still ache from walking on the beach til we reached Food Lion (so much fun).
                                   Play practice was quite excellent. :) I met several new humans which was great, especially for a socially inactive homeschooler such as myself. Our director is super awesome, which is always a plus.
                                   Thanks! You are definitely the more talented of the two of us. You'll soon come to realize I'm nowhere NEAR as creative of a writer as you. Also, we have essentially the same taste in guys, so that's easy for you to say ;)
                                    Tell me all about your life! How's college hunting going? Sincerely,
                                                                                                                      The Blonde

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Much Needed Reunion

Dearest Blonde One,
It was wonderful beyond belief to see you! Six months is far too long to go without seeing each other. I don't know if you realized this but every year since we were 12 we have stayed up till at least four in the morning together one night every year (usually at girls camp). When I saw you at church on Sunday I thought I was going to scream out loud. I am so glad that we got to hang out at the beach for a few days. Let me tell you, Sweet Pea, A FEW DAYS IS NOT LONG ENOUGH!!!!
How did play practice go today? I love how talented you are. I admire you so much. I am totes the luckiest to have a best friend as super as you. You sing, act, play ukulele, have awesome taste in guys ;) I mean, you are totes brill.
All the love in the world,
The Brunette.